
Ancaman Lost Generation

Blog Amin Herwansyah | 2 September 2020

Akankah hilang satu generasi  saat Covid-19? 

Before the crisis, students were completing an average of 11.2 years of schooling throughout their school-age lives. However, when adjusted for the quality of learning, that amounted to only 7.9 years of schooling.  According to Simulating COVID-19 impacts on learning and schooling outcomes: A set of global estimates, 5 months of school closures due to COVID-19 will result in an immediate loss of 0.6 years of schooling adjusted for quality, bringing the effective learning that a student can achieve down from 7.9 years to 7.3 years. Jaime Saavedra, Global Direktur Bank Dunia untuk Pendidikan

Kita tidak bisa menyia-nyiakan krisis ini. Guru, orangtua, masyarakat dan pemerintah harus bergotong royong mengambil peran demi masa depan anak-anak kita.

Silahkan simak obrolan menarik Mas mentri dengan Deddy Corbuzier di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

dari youtube podcast Deddy Corbuzier

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